
Thursday, July 2, 2015

Chapter 9:Choices

After that one explanation where my brain is deemed unknown, I pressured him for details but instead, he had kicked me out of the room. I looked at the clock and barely five minutes had passed, even though it felt like hours inside my dream. I paid no heed from my friends call and head toward the parent’s waiting room where my mother was.
            When I got back, my mother had a glad expression I was back, but when she saw me without the bracelet, she made a sympathize look. I wonder if she’s trying to come up a way to cheer me up?
            Oh, I haven’t explain about the bracelet, have I? Once you are recognized as an esper, you’ll be given a bracelet that lets you monitor our brain waves, meaning it will monitor the usage and growth of espers. Each bracelet has it ID Code that helps serve to identify the owner even if you lost it.
            Getting back to where I am now, when I told my mother about being sent to the principal office, she had a very puzzled look but we went there together in the end. The principal office was put on the ground floor next to the administrative room and the restroom. My mother knocked on the door; the moment a sound that said ‘come in’ we let ourselves in.
            The principal turn his chair toward us revealing a bit of bewildered look, surely he hadn’t expect an examinee to came in at this time. He asked us to take a sit and asked what’s the problem. In closer look, the principal was a man in his late 40s, he had a heavy gray mustache and beard, gray eyes, mottled skin, a fair crisp hair. His back was slightly slanted, while wearing a brown tick coat, you couldn’t quite tell his build.  
            My mother explained what I told her and gave him the hard drive along with the letter handwritten by Mr. Dalton. He took the hard drive and display the content with his computer. Occasionally, he would knit his eyebrows and murmured ‘I see’ while listening to my story.
            When he grasp the content of the hard drive, he started clearing his throat and looked at me with curious eyes before he turn to my mother and started explaining. “Ma’am, I’m sure you’re confused of the turnout event, but first, let me make it clear that your daughter is not in any sort of trouble at all, so be at ease. Second, well how should I began explaining this—from the result of the ESP test, your daughter certainly have what it takes to be an esper, and as you know, if you pass the test then with the help of our nanotechnology to expand the usage of the brain parts and acquiring the latent ability hidden in us. However, even after expanding the usage of the brain, doesn’t always mean you’ll be an esper. At the very least, you’ll only be more perceptive, and the computer will deem you normal. From your daughter result, after expanding her brain usage, the computer couldn’t seem to grasp the ability your daughter had acquire either that or there was a miscalculation—which is unlikely—and your daughter doesn’t have any power at all.”
            The two of us could only quietly listen to him, then mother asked, “Then what would become of my daughter here?” the principal caressed his beard and pointed out two choices available for me. “One, you could choose to study with in the institution starting at Class 1, but our renown teacher would not be able to help you much as your ability is unknown. Second, you could study normally at the academy.”
            I pondered a bit about the choices, while I can learn with the other esper kids, as long as I don’t know my ability, no one would be able to help raise its skill and I would forever be at the bottom of the class. Not only that, as someone who is different from the other I would be talked of the subject most of the time. Kids from the institution would look down on me while kids from the academy would envy me instead, creating a harder environment for me to socialize.
            Am I going to be scrutinized all over again? If I had to pick, I’d rather be in the academy. However, because I had remembered ‘that’ conversation with Master, the choice was clear for me from the start. 

            A magician needs to explore the unknown to my heart’s content—isn’t that right Master?

 <<<PREVIOUS CHAPTER                                                                              NEXT CHAPTER>>>


  1. I love this *^* thank you author for bringing this to my life

  2. Isn't that unknown power a magic which she can already use?

  3. Isn't that unknown power a magic which she can already use?

  4. Thank u always for ur great work...

    While esper treated normally, she can use it to her advantage to slowly use magic lika an esper...

  5. I wonder if this is like a certain magical index and she could use magic or esp but not both.
