Spirits are mysterious beings, you never know what they might be up to most of the time or what they think. That's why there are things we wouldn't expect for them to know about us.
"Hmmm, how do you make an account again? Wait, this name is taken? Eh, there's an age restriction, but the others all have one!?"
It was a day where I tried learning to make my own e-mail account, there were various things I need to fill in and I don't get about entering the words of an abstract letters, so I scratched my head in frustration a lot.
Is there something bothering you Lady Claudia?
A voice resounded in my head and I turned toward the white dog wagging its tail at me, "Something I don't think you'll understand, no need to worry yourself." I said that as I turned back toward the monitor. I felt the presence of his warmth closing in by my side from behind. I looked and he had turned to his physical spirit self next to me. He crouched slightly so his face could clearly look at the monitor.
You don't need to be so bend at the rules, just randomly put a year on the birthday, you only need to fill the mark ones, a username should be something similar to your name, usually with numbers to make it distinctive for the computer, as for the captcha code, you just need to fill 601wbe, the code functions to tell apart computer and human user so you don't need to think much.
Hod explain all that while he fiddled my account, I stared at him with disbelief look and asked, "Hod, you know how to use a computer?"
I know a lot of things Lady Claudia, not being summon for hundreds of years, human civilization progress in an interesting and fast pacing way that I couldn't help learn from them just by observing.
I was caught surprise of what a spirit in the 21st century could do. Though I thought they remained the same it seemed they could still learn things they can't help learning.
"It would be great if there's a spirit specialize in internet searching, it would definitely be interesting" I said jokingly.
"Zilla, for now I have a task for you!"
Please named it Master!
"First, call me by my name, second, explore the net and found every bit of information on Jason Omala and his connection with Gregory Howard and his wife !"
As you wished Lady Claudia.
Zilla said that and then went through the nearest electric device which was my phone and everything went back to silent. "I guess all I need to do is wait now" and so once I hit my bed, the feeling of being overwhelmed by sleepiness and soon my eyes felt heavy and everything turn dark.
I open my eyes when the morning sun hits me, Zilla was standing by my table, staring at me as if she's an ornament. "How long have you waited for me?"
5 hours 42 minutes 36 seconds and 10 milliseconds have passed since I gather the information.
I giggled at her precise respond, seeing my reaction, Zilla tilted her head, probably confuse. "So, how much did you find?" My expression hardened the moment I focused on my objective.
The search of Jason Omala resulted in 11,647 findings, 2,243 results for his connection with Gregory Howard and his relatives and any mention of their name together.
A LOT!!! That's a lot, there's no way I could read all that. "Hmm, do you think you could summarize what you found?"
By summarize...in what aspect should I summarize on?
I think for a while and ask her to emphasize the relationship between Lora's father and him. Once she understood, Zilla touch the side of my computer and just like it turned on by itself. Files began to pop up and close as if trying to sort itself. Even though I'm the one who created it, I sure summon an absurd spirit. Wait, my computer shouldn't be able to connect to the net right now, how did she do.....I shouldn't think too much, I'll just think that's how capable she is. I could even hear her murmur to herself about processing and searching and other words I'm sure its English yet completely foreign to me
Analyze complete, Lady Claudia I'm done.
"So what did you fine?"
Jason Omala and Gregory Howard both born and grew in the same area, they both go to the same school but found they became close at their freshman year in high school. They went to the same university and even went to the same course, it's also at the same university that they met with Jessica Hutslesky
Zilla blinked several times at my question and hesitantly answer. She is Loranne Hutslesky's mother, I presume you knew Lady Claudia.
I clap my hand once, realizing the last name she had. Now that I think about it, I never research her name. Even though I've heard of it, it never stuck on my mind.
Continuing, from various personal data of the people involve, Jessica Hutslesky and Jason Omala began dating at their first year of college, and dated for 6 years.
6 years!!! Seriously? You would think 3 years is enough to consider marriage yet what's up with them, and in the end she married Gregory so what's going on? Unless.....
There's no evidence of the two of cheating with one another.
As if reading my mind, Zilla reported of what her analysis tells, although that means it's highly unlikely, it still doesn't mean there's zero possibility.
It is not mention why they broke up, but according to the information and the timing, it is when Jessica Hutslesky was found pregnant that they stop seeing each other.
My eyes were wide open and immediately I ask of Zilla on who's Lora's father, and just as I feared, according to the data she hack to the hospital....wait, she hack in to the hospital server?! Although she said she didn't left any trace of herself there, I am more worried than surprise at the extent of her ability to gather information. If by any chance she could with no problem, steal information from servers such as the US military or government, or even top secret information from organization such as CIA. Then I might have created something equal to a national threat.
Cold sweat broke out within me, but I put that mind aside, seeing there was no reason for me to worry since I'm not going to do bad about it.
Back to the topic, according to the DNA analysis she performed on her own, there was no doubt that Lora's father is Jason Omala which really gave my jaw a drop. In other words, they've gone out for 6 years, but when she started to get pregnant, that man abandon them, not wanting to take responsibility.
After all they've been through, and that's how he end things? He's as low as any scum around.Now it made me wonder why Gregory married with Jessica, no matter how much I think about it doesn't make any sense.
Lady Claudia, should I continue?
Because I was in a trance of my own thoughts, I was forgetting about Zilla and that she had more information with her.
Then I'll continue, afterward, Jason Omala had outstanding credits as a politician and now had rise up toward president candidacy while hiding all the back deals he accumulated, there are 72% he has made an underground organization that intends to sway the vote of the masses. Additionally....
"HOLD THE PHONE THERE!!!" My voice was raise without meaning to, my heart was also beating irregularly at the last statement Zilla said, I didn't hear her wrong right?
But Lady Claudia, I'm not making any calls nor do I have a phone?
"That's not it, you say back deals and underground organization, can you elaborate that?"
The underground organization is just my assumption from circumstantial evidence collected on Jason Omala and his various acquaintance.
"By evidence do you mean...."
Phone records, meeting schedule, credit card info, emails, browser history, finances, including the deleted data I managed to recover.
I was again surprise for a moment but began to genuinely feel nothing but impress at her ability, though I should have expected from the spirit who steal information from the hospital personal records. Suddenly a few puzzle pieces in my mind began to click, ignoring the knocking of my mother, telling me to hurry get ready to school. I feared of one fact I might have just uncovered that would also be the key to Lora's predicament. While I had Zilla look over again for new information I desire, I hurriedly got ready to school.
I wasn't sure back then, but I had began to shape the bad feeling in my heart, that the closer I get toward the truth, there was a chance that instead of saving Lora, I might lose her instead.